Some Random thoughts of the week!

People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

Saturday, July 14

LoLz This few days, that haven't been interesting, are boring my mind out of my skulk! LoL well I haven't got much to sat except that my results are once again topsy turvy. Those that I did study for turned turned out to be a C+ (Industrial Microbiology) those that I didn't study for I got an A (Microbiology and Techniques)... stupidly weird...

haiz... misunderstandings all around. Too much politics and greed floating around waiting to infect the unwary. A slight breath in any place can drag you into a battlefield of words, fiends and plots. ... Not good. And here I was thinking that I can escape all that when I... nvm... the more I talk the worse I feel.

Next tuesday is yet another battlefield seeing my comrades and the gods that called for the meeting... what ever... I am having half a mind... no I am having 99.999999~% of my mind to skip that session. What's more with AGM coming up I really don't know what will happen in my school life.. if anything happens to kendo.. my life will really be screwed.

Can't help but sigh.

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