Some Random thoughts of the week!

People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

Monday, July 2

It's been awhile since i updated my blog... guess i was too tired/lazy or there were just no eventful days.

hahax~ X ) last week was the first week after the break and it was the common test week... I guess i din do too well for any of the tests... though i hope against any silver of hope that i can at least pass all the tests...

Well after Friday's Industrial Microbiology test I can finally sigh a breath of relieve XD... NOW ITS TIME FOR FUN!!! YEA!!! XPPP On Saturday i went out early with
Teenage Mutant Ninjia Kendo Ducky (Amanda), KC and other kendo ka to shop for the BBQ we were gonna have later that day!

Ok the shopping went fine... Well I wouldn't really say fine though... we were like a bunch-o-kids running amok the giant supermarket XD choose one thing also must

The BBQ was quite fun to me i cause i got to interact with my fellow kendo ka otherwise it wasn't really a successful BBQ~... except for the
"BURN NASU(jap for egg plant) BURN! POKE HIM WITH THE FORK POKE IT! EH EH TAKE THE FORK OUT!!" part (which sounds a little sadistic hahaxx~)[Nasu (name of a guy) I hope you read this XP]

Hmmm so after about 9 or so most ppl went home and we were left with a bunch of us doing silly stuffs.. and me doing a dirty dance, on a lamp post, in the middle of the pedestrian road due to a dare i received T_T lol (it felt great though XDDD)(they were like freaked out the moment i started dancing.. hmmm i wonder.. was i too good for them or the other way round? XDDD)

Yea so it was uneventful until today which i went for training, yea and a senior which i dunno was my mododaichi(hope i got it right) for the first part of the training.. was kinda embarrassing... I'm not used to being stared right into the eye by a girl... (gotta mention though, I think she has rather attractive eyes)(eh... don get the wrong idea.. I'm just putting my thoughts into words. Nothing beyond that. besides she has a bf) so i stared at the tensen instead (but i couldn't help looking up... =.=)(yea yea so i saw her looking right at me again.. whats the biggie?) and after awhile i think she got the gist that i was kinda affected by the staring thingy..(guess that's the result of training in kendo... you stare down at your opponent and make them feel uneasy...)

training was as usual and it ended without me getting too tired i guess. But this is only the start. I must make myself more disciplined and train at home more often. I am aiming for a spot in the school team! (i might not make it though.. sensing the competition i m facing... sigh) and that's that.

One more thing though, that particular senior that trained with me? i thought she looked kinda upset at something on the bus home... maybe its just me. oh well nights!

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