Some Random thoughts of the week!

People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

Monday, June 25

Grr... today's the first day of the test week. hmmm hopefully i'll be able to get a C for ABC at the very least since its not too tough.

OUCH! Dammit! Why do the ants at my house, or rather, on my study desk like to bite me so much!?? Shoots! I receive at least a bite everyday! tt aside i have had diarrhoea for the past three days... feeling kinda bad with the abdomen grumbling every now and then. =.= just today i had 6 runs to the toilet from 9am to 10.40am... "sianed" and today's kendo was canceled for tests although only 3 schools are having them.. feels kinda bored at home studying. (though i ended up watching anime and reading online manga...)

sigh... right i guess thats all ba... going to sleep le. nights.

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