Some Random thoughts of the week!

People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

Monday, June 18

XD Today [17/06/2007] is the kendo grading itself and it felt kinda weird XD.

This morning 12am when I tried to sleep one of my friends called me to talk to him on msn and so I did.. Turned out he was emo about relationship problems. And so I talked to him until i realised it was 4am... which was a bit late for the realisation as I was to wake up at 5, so quickly I rushed through some computer stuff and tried to hit the sack at 4.30++am... Then came the dreaded call of the morning alarm... its already 5am! and I barely touched my bed for like what? 10 minutes?!

Haiz well then I grudgedly when to freshen up and go to HG, and what great news... I ended up waiting until 6.20am for Clyde's mother to fetch me to the mrt station. Well I am not blaming anyone at all and it was very very kind of auntie to bring me along too, it's just that if i knew this was coming I could have at least gotten and extra hour of sleep..

Well then after getting on Clyde and I went for breakfast. We had porridge but auntie couldn't find a parking lot and thus couldn't join us.. I feel kinda bad for this.. Thereafter with a few hiccups here and there, we managed to get to the mrt station and was late by 4 minutes? lucky they were still there! XD anyway Luke tried to get there earlier and was kinda locked outside by the security guards XD

So came the test a nervous test for me really and i was having i bad time with my stomach,which i withstood, and a super dry mouth. when i went up i was very stiff, like something you might find out of a freezer.. well maybe half-thawed. I called out my number and name loudly and I though yea... a sigh of relief... until i realised i forgot to raise my hand.. the worse part was when i realised it and made a face and half way through the face making process i remembered NOT to make a face... So what i got was a stiff uncompleted facial expression that seemed like a cross between a duck and someone who smelled elephant poo. =.=

Throughout the whole test sequence though, i was stiff and i knew it... i tried my best to ashisabaki, shomen and hayasuburi but they all seemed to me like they were rusted machines moving slowly with out fluidity... as much as i willed them to move i was stuck in that state all throughout. So i went back thinking that flunked the test...

Then comes the boring part... sitting though 9th kyu to 3rd kyu... my knees were aching like crap... Then into the 2nd kyu, 1st kyu, shodan and other dan's tests things became more interesting. there were kekos and a few were rather inspiring! however for the lower dan's whos' legs were already crying for their mama, those matches probably only served as a distraction from the pain. then lalalala and comes the results.

I said.. " aiya i don want to look so many people! go change first lar!" but in the end i was the first to check it out since i walked past a freshly taped up score sheet on the inside of the dojo. puzzled was i was as to why its in there i went ahead to look. I was expecting an 8th kyu for my below-expectations performance today... BUT I GOT A 6th kyu!!!! A maximum jump of grades for a non-bogu sector! I was overwhelmed and i started jumping around XD... there were a lot of good and bad reactions.. but i don wanna mention them.
I just want to apologize to those whom i may have unknowingly hurt by my overjoyed behavior.. Sorry.

The rest of the day was fun until i reached home and a situation occured with me and my dad that made me ****ed up until now... i went out and had a breather den when over to Jay's house to continue with Kekkaishi, the manga, where i left off AGES ago XD feels better now...

And that concludes my day. though there is a lot more i wanted to put down here, but i am feeling far too sleepy from the lack of sleep and thus the laziness XD

Its 2.51am monday 18/6/2007 nights.

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