Some Random thoughts of the week!

People often say that motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

Sunday, September 16

Sorry I've been compiling my thoughts xD but since they are this short I'll post them all in one xD

The class chalet has been fun ^^ there was a lot of interaction between our class members and its finally feeling like a class for the first time in two years.

I couldn't get over some emotional matters during the chalet though.. i've been thinking.. am i just.. an object?

LoL i don think anyone reads this xD but i'll just continue to put my thoughts here. Naomi seemed rather cold towards me lately... maybe because i'm acting the way i am. But i just can't help but feel a twang of inferiority when ever she mentions sasori..

^^ fun day. I went to visit Waseda Shibuya Senior High School ^^ It was loads of fun and cute girls there, too bad for me they're too young xD kidding XP. but well i ran out of time just as i was about to try on the Jap high school uniforms ); ah well.. got to learn a lil more about jap culture. I'm contented^^

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